Friday, February 19, 2016

[Character Sheet] Cyrene

CN Female Undine (Outsider, Native) Shaman (Lore) 3/ Warpriest 4
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60ft., Perception +11
Speed 30ft.(6 squares); Swim 30ft.
Languages Common (Taldoran), Aquan, Auran, Draconic, Elven, Halfling, Infernal, Orc, Sylvan
Str 9, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 16

AC 18 / 22* (+5/+9* armor, +3 dex); flat-footed 15 / 18, touch 13
HP 51 (7d8, +7 con)
BAB +5; CMB +4; CMD 17; F +7, R +6, W +11

+6 Melee (Masterwork Trident**, 1d8-1; 20/x2)
+4 Melee (Dagger, 1d4-1; 19-20/x2)

+10 Ranged (+1 Blowgun**, 1d6+1; 20/x2)
+8 Ranged (Dagger)

Skills [46] Acrobatics +15 (5), Appraise +8 (6), Bluff +7 (1), Climb +2 (1), Diplomacy +8 (2), Disguise +10/+14 (2), Escape Artist +6 (1) Heal +7 (1), Knowledge: Arcane +3 (1), Knowledge: Geography +3 (1), Knowledge: Local +6 (1), Knowledge: Nature +6 (1), Knowledge: Religion +6 (1), Knowledge: Planes +6 (1), Linguistics +8 (3), Perception +12 (4), Profession: Merchant +7 (1), Sense Motive +10 (2), Sleight of Hand +6 (1), Spellcraft +12/+14/+16 (7), Stealth +12 (5), Survival +7 (1), Swim +10 (1).

Feats (Shm1) Alertness, (1) Cosmopolitan, (3) Weapon Focus: Blowgun, (5) Extra Hex: Fetish, (7) Steadfast Mind.

 Magical Knack: Shaman, Naive (Drawback), Reactionary, Unhappy Childhood: Religious.

SQ Blessing/Sacred Weapon**.

Magic Items 

(Warpriest) CL 4; Cleric Spell List
0th - Usually Prepared: Enhance Diplomacy, Detect Magic, Guidance, Stabilize; 
1st - (4 per day) Usually Prepared: Divine Favor x2, Firebelly, Obscuring Mist.
2nd - (2 per day) Usually Prepared: Divine Trident, Sound Burst. 
Spells spontaneous into Cure.
(Shaman) CL 5; Shaman Spell List plus 3 chosen from Sorc/Wiz list
0th - Usually Prepared: Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Read Magic, Jolt
1st - (3 per day + 1) Usually Prepared: Windy Escape, Wave Shield, Produce Flame; Identify
2nd - (2 per day +1) Usually Prepared: Levitate, Glitterdust; Tongues (Cloak of the Hedge Wizard) CL 1
0th - At Will: Prestidigitation, Acid Splash
1st - 1/Day: Grease, Unseen Servent

SQ Racial: Darkvision 60ft; Flesh Chameleon (from energy resistance); Nereid Fascination (from spell-like ability); Hydrated Vitality (from water affinity)
Shaman: Spirit Animal:Greensting Scorpion; Hex:Arcane Elightenment (Jolt, Windy Escape, Glitterdust); Monsterous Insight Warpriest: Sacred Weapon (Trident, Blowdart), Enhancement +1; Well Hidden; Sneak Attack; Blesings 5/day (Air, Water); Fevor 5/day; Enthrall.

Magic Items
(Weapon) +1 Blowdart; (Armor) Truefaith Vestiments with Spell Storing - appears as simple robe but acts as +3 Breastplate until illusion is interacted with, such as successful melee attack, Will DC 16, then acts as +1 Chain Shirt. Can expend stored spell on successful melee hit against me; (Shoulders) Cloak of Resistance + 1 with Cloak of the Hedge Wizard (personalized Conjuration); (Waist) Heavyload Belt; (Hands) Gloves of Reconnaisance; (Feet) Boots of Elvenkind, (Slotless) Travellers Anytool; Handy Haversack; Potion Cure Light Wounds

Spirit Animal
Familiar: Greensting Scorpion