Saturday, February 20, 2016

Cyrene's Story

Cyrene is young but she has a purpose...

Cyrene's story, my story, started when a travelling merchant fell in love with a Nereid deep in the Arthfell Forest of Andoran. Compelled to have her for himself, he returned with his wealth and built a villa around the patch of forest with her pool. I am her daughter.
I was raised on the edges of his household as a bastard, but if he was my father, my mother would never say. She kept this secret to protect me. He was a jealous man and although he hated her love for me he couldn't kill me if I might be his only heir. So, he raised me to understand peoples and the methods of trade while my mother raised me in the knowledge of my fey heritage and nature.
But I was not destined for a carefree childhood. I had to steal from the kitchen just to have enough to eat, and when I couldn't dodge his blows I learned to escape from the small, dark spaces he locked me in. I don't think he ever realized I had my mother's vision and healed quickly in her wet embrace. I stayed with my mother until I was 14, but finally could take the abuse no longer. As I said good-bye to her, I promised I would return to free her from his tyranny.
I escaped to a temple of Gozreh, who understands my divided nature. I have become his/her trident. Ultimately, I will become strong enough, rich enough in money and secrets to ruin the merchant and take his business and villa. It has been several years, and I am getting stronger; everything I do is in pursuit of my goal of rescuing my mother, and I will kill the man who claims me as his blood if I get the chance!