Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Kyras Soft-Foot

Kyras Soft-Foot earned his name and reputation through a life of violence. A half-elf, he never met his father and was abandoned in the streets of Absalom by his mother at the age of 6. For years he eked a living scrounging and begging, often resorting to petty theft and - eventually - mugging other urchins for their meager food. Around the age of 8 he was caught stealing and branded on the side of his face as a thief. As a teen he joined a street gang connected to the Absalom underground, where he soon rose to prominence among a cutthroat crew of half-orcs, dwarves and other outcasts in a human-dominated society. Recognizing his reflexes, strength, and lack of empathy, his bosses molded him to become their enforcer. For the next 15 years he performed these duties efficiently and with a minimum of compunction, sowing terror with his adept use of traps, alchemy, stealth, and sudden, brutal violence. Secretly, however, he chaffed at being treated as a slave, and his hatred for the Bloody Barbers and their boss, Grim Torn-Hand, grew steadily. More than yearning to leave behind the filth of the city's sewers and alleys or feeling disgust with his work, Kyras is motivated by the rekindled sense of abandonment he feels when society's "betters" throw scared, disgusted, or disdainful looks his way every time they see his branded face or scars, or hear his uncouth gutter-tongue.

As Cheliax prepared for war, the Absalom underground curried favor by ferrying illegal weapons in support. Assigned as an escort to one such barge of embargoed weapons, his ship was attacked in the night by Andoran privateers. Seizing his chance, Kyras backstabbed the other escort and surrendered the vessel. After a few weeks privateering with his new friends, the ship returned to the Andoran shore to find war with Cheliax had become more-or-less open. As a land force was organized, Kyras was sent ahead in secret as part of an infiltration force to subvert Piren's Bluff from the inside...

Kyras Soft-Foot
Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf, Slayer 7
Init +5; Senses: Lowlight vision, Perception +10
Speed 30ft, 20ft in armor
Languages: Elf, Common, Orc, Dwarf
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 7, Cha 9

AC 22 (+7 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Ring of Protection), +2 vs traps
HP 62 (7d10+7)
BAB +7/+2  CMB +11  CMD  26   Fort +6, Ref +8 (+2 vs traps), Will 0.

+1 Greatsword, "Ripper"  Atk +12/+7, 17-20x2, 2d6+7 Slash Magic
Power Atk +12/+5, 17-20x2, 2d6+13 Slash Magic
Javelin Atk +11 x2 Pierce d6+4, 30ft Range
Dagger Atk +11/+6 19-20x2, Slash/Pierce d4+4, 10ft Range

Skills: Acro +9, Bluff +6, Climb +10, Craft Trap +7, Craft Alchemy +9, Disable Device +10, Disguise +3, Heal +2, Intimidate +13, Knowledge Dungeon/Geog/Local +6, Perception +10 (+13 vs traps), Ride +7, Sense Motive +2, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +16, Survival +8 (+11 tracking), Swim +7

Feats: Skill Focus - Stealth, Power Attack, Furious Focus, Intimidating Prowess, Killing Flourish, Trapfinding.

Abilities: Study target (2): +2 to Attack, Damage, Bluff, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge, Sense Motive/Stealth and survival checks to target designated as a swift action. Sneak Attack: +2d6 when opponent flat-footed or flanked. Immune to magic sleep effects. Surprise attack: opponents are always flat-footed during a surprise round.

Traits: Child of the Streets, Mercenary, Elven Reflex, Dependent

Magic Items: Greatsword +1, Keen, "Ripper"; +1 Agile Breastplate; Hat of Disguise; Ring of Protection +2

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