Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Periadoc Tanner

Periadoc Tanner had a rather typical childhood, at least for the only son of halfling artisans in a merchant caravan. A gregarious sort, he rapidly gained friends and contacts in the towns frequented during their caravan's yearly rounds through Nadal. As he came of age, however, he decided to leave the life of a craftsman and merchant behind, and became a Bounder. He took up archery and learned the ways of the forest and hills around him, and became familiar with the primary enemy within Nadal - rogue undead that after breaking free from their shackles would take up residence in the dark corners of the kingdom. He also took an unusual mount, a tamed boar named Bacon, who is an excellent tracker and brutal fighter.

After a few years of guarding the caravan's flanks, he gradually became smitten with a human named Aarodael, who was the daughter of the caravan's leader and now a wealthy merchant in her own right. Much to the surprise of everyone (most of all Periadoc) but to the angry consternation of her powerful father, Aarodael returned these affections. When news of their liaison reached Aarodael's father, he sent a hired thug to drive Periadoc away. In the ensuing fight, Periadoc accidentally killed the man, then found the order still tucked in the man's pocket. Knowing it was too dangerous to stay, and suspecting that he would soon be wanted for murder, he signed on as a guard on a caravan making its way to Absalom. He could only leave a letter to Aarodael with a friend, hoping to someday return.

Boar 1 - trained as a riding combat boar
Initiative +0, AC 16 (Touch 12, Flat-Footed 14) HP 18
Attack: Gore +4, d8+4 slashing damage
Saves: Fortitude +6, Reflex +3, Will +1
Speed: 40ft
Skills: Acrobatics +6 (+14 for Jumps), Perception +6, Survival +1 (+5 if scent-tracking)
Tricks: Attack, Come Guard, Down, Heel and Track
Abilities: Low-light vision, Scent, Ferocity