Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Game # 7 Summary

-- From the journal of Periadoc Tanner, published post-mortem --

Wednesday?    Saturday
We're back to the "Inn" and some return to normalcy. The workmen seem none the worse for wear, and our old friend from the river is in good spirits. Plans are drawn up and we have started on a stockade and posted our blue whip banner (What a gambit that whole thing was! Still can't believe that all ended well). We have some things to sell, and supplies to fetch. Marsh and myself will be headed to Piren's Bluff tomorrow.

Back from Piren's Bluff last evening with ale and provisions. The stockade is nearly up and some stone has been fetched from the old bandit base. However, it's obvious we need draft horses and further supplies if we are going to make much headway.
     Anyway, found out in town that I was way off on the day. Marsh turned in his bounty and I got some supplies and sold off the useless armor and weapons, but all told it was a wierd visit. Marsh says the guards didn't seem enthused to have the ears of bandits - which one would think they would be all about - and things got downright testy when he showed them the bloody helm of the Hellknight. We're trying to warn them that something is up, but I don't think they want to know. Something seems afoot.

     Still, we need supplies. Tomorrow I will return, but leaving Marsh and his raptors behind (too much attention and they don't seem to like him). I'm taking Wendyl, figure he might appreciate the time in civilization and we can show the old cleric that we haven't lost his acolyte yet. Lia also agreed to come along, and I think I kept my cool pretty well. She didn't seem to notice.

Shit! I'm hiding in an attic..the hellknights went through already, but it'll be a while before its safe to move. The cleric's dead. I saw Lia and Wendyl ride out the gate, but it looked like hellknights were giving chase. I'm cut off. Screams and yelling everywhere. The hellknights are taking over... wtf? The guards were in on it, seems like a coup or the baron turned traitor. Either way its all going to shit. I killed a squire, didn't mean to, but the arrow jumped off the string and hit him in the throat instead of the leg. I just wanted to buy some time for Wendyl and Lia. There's a Hellknight in town with a couple of my arrows in him, but he didn't go down. The one I really want is the roguish-looking traitor who sold us out. I'll remember his face for sure...and if I meet him again he dies. Alright, still chaotic out there, time to slip away and get the hell out of here.

I think its Friday anyway. Ran from Piren's Bluff back to the Inn. All night. It seems the Baron did turn traitor and now Cheliax will be moving in to take over. Our courier friend was who the Hellknights were pursuing, not Lia and Wendyl. He's dead, but his message we gave to our craftsmen, and sent half to Falcon's Hollow and half southeast to spread the word of this betrayal through Andoran. We're on our way to the pass west of Piren's Bluff. If Cheliax is to invade, that is the only route. Maybe we can buy some time, try to block the main force for some time, harry supply lines, I don't know. I'm trying to figure this out and look like I know what I'm doing, but...what the hell am I doing here? It's getting much scarier than when I proposed this course of action at the Inn. We've already seen some Cheliaxan? Chilaxan? outriders, but avoided contact so far. Anyway, we're up the creek now and it's looking pretty likely we won't be getting back out.